Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Quantum Effect Motorcycle

The core of the quantum effect motorcycle is the zero-point V-Twin. The zero-point V-Twin extracts energy from the quantum vacuum. As the zero-point energy from the electric flux flowing orthogonally though our three-dimensional space vibrates, it generates an electric field. The random action of this higher dimensional process gives rise to the zero-point fluctuations which appear in our three-dimensional space. The zero-point V-Twin has a virtually unlimited (and free) source of power. In addition, these vibrations are further channeled through an accoustic converter to produce a nice deep rumble. The zero-point power is converted to drive an electric motor, lights, etc...

One additional benifit of this mode of propulsion are the worm-holes created that allow near instantanious transfer through space. This facilitates the ability of the quantum effect motorcycle to be simultaniously everywhere (at least as long as no one is looking at it).

Monday, May 31, 2010

The blending of quantum theory and motorcycles

The application of quantum theory to motorcycle maintenance has give rise to the new field of quantum motorcycle mechanics. These pioneers have applied the theories of quantum mechanics to the motorcycle to produce the first theoretical quantum motorcycle. Now, a new breed of quantum biker is emerging to change motorcycling in ways we can only begin to imagine.

Now, the quantum biker can be everywhere at once but at the same time, nowhere in particular. This is what being a quantum biker is all about.